The replacement spring for Gerstner Catches can be used to bring broken catches back to life without having to replace the whole catch. The spring is pushed into the catch from the top, which doesn’t require you to take apart the catch to install it. This spring can be used on catches that are stamped with H. Gerstner & Sons.
Watch our video on how to install a new spring on a Gerstner catch.
d.sigl (verified owner) –
Replacing the old weak springs with these new springs made the latches hold the lid firmly as expected. Removing the old weak springs was facilitated by pushing a screwdriver through the hole on the latch backside thus weakening the existing weak but not broken spring. Then using a razor knife to get behind the spring and pry it out. The installation video is ok, but the thin guide bar is not necessary, and a little grease on the inner spring end makes the installation much easier. Instead of the hammer and punch to complete the installation, needle nose pliers works nicely, but use a pad to protect the latch finish.